Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Piper's Pen and Prose: Tozer's thoughts on Authors

Picture copyright 2014 Piper Green

For thus says the high and exalted One Who lives forever, whose name is Holy, “I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. Isaiah 57:15

I was browsing a used bookstore recently, looking over some of the books that are popular today. I must confess I have never bought a book because it was popular. Sometimes the popular book is the most shallow, at least in my experience. 

Looking through these books, I noticed that even in them we have lost substance and have become entertainers. Look at what our Protestant fathers fed on. Many of them were not well educated, but the books they read were the high, holy and devout books written by men enthralled by the presence of God. 

They read Taylor’s Holy Living and Dying; Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and Holy War; Milton’s Paradise Lost. I blush today to think about the religious author that is now being handed out to our poor kids. 

I pray daily that the spirit of seriousness might fall upon the church once again to such an extent that we will have an insatiable appetite for not only the deep things of God, but for God Himself. When a person nourishes his soul on the high and lofty thoughts of God, he loses his appetite for the watered-down modern-day religion.  

A.W. Tozer My Daily Pursuit,  March 19 reading.

In His Grace,

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Piper's Pen and Prose: Ash Wednesday

On this Ash Wednesday;  
Awe-Full- Frederick Ohler

Great and holy God awe and reverence fear and trembling do not come easily to us for we are not Old Testament Jews or Moses or mystics or sensitive enough. Forgive us for slouching into Your presence
with little expectation and less awe than we would eagerly give a visiting dignitary.  We need neither Jehovah nor a buddy – neither “the Great and Powerful Oz” nor “the man upstairs.” Help us to want what we need… You.

God and may the altar of our hearts tremble with delight at Your visitation amen.

In His Grace,